New Here?  You might have a few questions...

If you're thinking of visiting for the first time, you might have a few questions.  Such as...

What is worship like at Manitou?

Worship at Manitou is casual and reverent; lively and contemplative; traditional and progressive; friendly and respectful.  We like to pray, we like to sing a variety of styles of music, and we like to dive into a particular passage from the Bible.  We could try to tell you more but it's easier to understand through experience.

How do I get there?  What time is it?  How long will it last?

Our physical address is 6613 S. Cheyenne Street, but if you can find Manitou Park or Manitou Park Elementary off 66th Street then you can find us.  Worship starts at 10:00.  Some people arrive early to chat, others slide in a few minutes after we start singing.  Worship ends by 11:15.  Many people hang around after worship for our fellowship time.

How will I know what to do?

Greeters will meet you at the door and help you find your way around. They’ll give you a bulletin that describes everything that will happen in worship that morning. And, your neighbors are bound to be friendly and willing to help.

What should I wear?

Wear whatever feels most comfortable.  Some people will dress up (though you won't see many ties) while others arrive in jeans and a t-shirt.  Once you come, you'll realized that attire really is one of the least important things for us.  

What do I do with my kids during worship?

Everyone starts worship in the sanctuary.  Infant cries and shuffling paper are welcome sounds to the opening time of worship.  About halfway through the service all children come forward for a blessing and then the older kids (4-12) go to Sunday School while those younger go to our nursery.  Usually everyone returns to the sanctuary for the closing song and prayer.

Do I need to bring money?

No and we won't make you feel pressured to give.  We don't even pass an offering plate.  If you really, really want to give something, we do have an offering box in the back of the sanctuary, but this responsibility belongs primarily to our members.